JKM i Partnerzy offers comprehensive services to all participants of the public procurement process. We render assistance both to Contracting Authorities and Contractors, enabling them to quickly navigate through the various procedures of awarding and winning public contracts.
The Department consists of lawyers with extensive experience, who due to the dynamic changes in public procurement law constantly broaden their knowledge, in particular on the basis of the current case law of the National Appeal Chamber, before which they represent their clients in appeal proceedings.
It deserves a mention that, throughout the many years of activity, we have advised entities from the key sectors of the economy on the implementation of public contracts whose value has on multiple occasions exceeded the thresholds set by the European Union.
The Department also conducts training events, the main focus of which is placed on the practical aspects and issues of the application of Public Procurement Act, and the profound analysis of the current case law of the National Appeal Chamber, common courts and European institutions.
Legal Counsel
E-mail: w.michalec@jkmipartnerzy.pl