E-mail j.prus@jkmipartnerzy.pl
Phone +48-32-202-17-46
She has experience in the complex legal service of private entities and entities of the public finance sector. She took part in multiple investment processes, involving the implementation of complex infrastructural projects.
She acted as an attorney of persons demanding the reimbursement of costs of medical treatment provided outside Poland. She represents victims in court disputes concerning the damage caused by medical malpractice, including proceedings before the Voivodship Commission for the Assessment of Medical Events.
She has represented clients before courts and administrative authorities, including the Voivodship Commission for the Assessment of Medical Events, courts of appeal, the Supreme Court, voivodship administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court, in civil and administrative law cases.
She organises and conducts training event in medical law, the protection of sensitive data, the liability of healthcare providers and individual practitioners and nurses, as well as patients’ rights, including the rights of minor patients. She takes interest in medical law, administrative law and environmental law.
She is registered in the list of attorneys-at-law of the Regional Chamber of Attorneys-at-law in Katowice.